Embedded Technology Conference China, 2019


To empower local embedded system development and advance innovation within China’s embedded system industry, Creativity Informa Markets (Shenzhen) and Embedded System Beijing Forum organized “Embedded Technology Conference China 2019” which took place on December 19th and 20th. The event invited more than 30 industry experts, professors, researches and entrepreneurs. Speakers in the conference covered new development, cutting-edge technology, global innovation, and market outlook.

Guest Experts

Allan He
Member of council and deputy director of the embedded system branch in China Software Industry Association, founder and CEO of Beijing Microtec Research, vice editor in chief of Microcontroller and Embedded System Application journal.

Allan is the author of Embedded Operating System: History and Future in the Internet of Things, Embedded Real-Time Operating System Application Development with μC/OS-III, Embedded Software, among many other publications and translation works. He has published more than 80 papers in domestic and foreign technology journals and conferences. Allan also lectures in higher education institutions and companies.

Jinlong Lin
Professor in the Software and Microelectronics School and vice chair of the Department of Integrated Circuit and Intelligent Systems of Peking University, Ph.D. Supervisor, Embedded System board member of China Computer Federation.

Lin has been working in embedded system research and education since 2004, and his main areas are embedded system design and computer vision.

Sheng Bi
Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering School in South China University

Bi focuses his research around embedded system and robotics, including the implementation and improvement of Artificial Intelligence in robotic embedded hardware platform. He developed an intelligent robot mobility system and a humanoid robot platform, realizing features like the sensing of an unknown environment and autonomous navigation. Bi has hosted more than a dozen smart hardware/robotics projects, published more than 30 papers, and has been awarded 10 related patents. He is devoted to research and teaching in embedded machine learning, the internet, and pattern recognition. Bi teaches undergraduate and graduate level of embedded system courses.


Agenda & Keynotes Download

Main Event

Date: December 19th, 2019

Location: Rose Hall 3, 5th Floor, Shenzhen Convention Center

10:00-10:30Embedded AI ProcessorJinlong Lin, Professor of Software and Microelectronics School, Peking University
11:00-11:30Intelligent Embedded Technology and Application DevelopmentSheng Bi, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering School in South China University
11:30-12:00Outlook of Embedded Operating System in the Age of AIoTAllan He, Secretary in Chief, Embedded System Beijing Forum

Sub-Forum 1: Embedded Operating System

Date: December 19th, 2019

Location: Rose Hall 3, 5th Floor, Shenzhen Convention Center

Host: Allan He, Secretary in Chief, Embedded System Beijing Forum

14:00-14:30Future-Facing IoT Operating SystemsDaitian Luo, djyos Open Source Team
14:30-15:00Zephyr: an Open Source RTOS for AIoTWayne Ren, R&D Manager, Synopsys Software
15:00-15:30The New Blue Ocean: RT-Thread in High-End Intelligent SystemsZhanghong Chen, Marketing Director, RT-Thread
15:30-16:00RTOS-based Functional Safety ImplementationAihua Zhang, Beijing BMR Technology
16:00-16:30Planning and Thoughts on Trusted Embedded OSZichang Lin, Architect, RTOS Department, Huawei

Sub-Forum 2: IoT Security

Date: December 19th, 2019

Location: Rose Hall 2, 5th Floor, Shenzhen Convention Center

14:00-14:30Scenario-faced IoT Security SolutionDaofeng Guo, Solution Director, NationZ
14:30-15:00Application Software Solution for IoT SecurityCynthia Hu, Senior FAE Manager, IAR Systems
15:00-15:30China Design, World-class SecurityJiangshan Chen, Product Manager, IP R&D Department, Anmou China
15:30-16:00Smart IoT: Embedded Root Key Solution and Chip Anti-Copy TechnologyEmory Liu, Marketing Department Project Manager, eMemory
16:00-16:30A Must in IoT: PUF-Based Hardware SecurityEvans Yang, Executive General Manager, PUF Security

Sub-Forum 3: RISC-V Development and Application

Date: December 20th, 2019

Location: Rose Hall 3, 5th Floor, Shenzhen Convention Center

Host: Jinlong Lin, Professor in the Software and Microelectronics School

9:30-10:00Professional Development Tools for RISC-VRyan Sheng, General Manager, IAR Systems (China)
10:00-10:30Compiler IDEChuanxin Ding, Vice General Manager, Hunan Compiler Information Technology
10:30-11:00Status Quo and Future Outlook of RISC-V Software and ToolchainYiqun Sun, Technical Director, Shenzhen UC Tech
11:00-11:30RISC-V Based MCU Software/Hardware SolutionLai Xu, COO of Nuclei
11:30-12:00RISC-V Advances the Design and Application of AIoTXin Yu, TimesIntelli

Sub-Forum 4: IoT Technology – Hardware

Date: December 20th, 2019

Location: Rose Hall 3, 5th Floor, Shenzhen Convention Center

14:00-14:30From “Intelligent Things” to “Connected Things”: Solutions with MM32 MCUHui Chen, FAE Manager, dMotion Shanghai
14:30-15:00Full-stack Storage + SiP: Biwin Enables Medical Electronics and WearablesZhenhua Li, Vice General Manager and R&D Director, Biwin Storage Shenzhen
15:00-15:30Application of Domestic Storage Products in 5G/IoTLei Chen, Assistant General Manager, Strategy Planning Department, Dosilicon
15:30-16:00Building the Ecosystem and an Intelligent Future with 5GXi Tao, Marketing Manager, Fibocom
16:00-16:30Application HK 32-Bit MCUs in IoTZengzhong Zheng, Product Manager & Technical Support, Shenzhen HK Semiconductor

Sub-Forum 5: Embedded Artificial Intelligence Technology and Application

Date: December 20th, 2019

Location: Rose Hall 2, 5th Floor, Shenzhen Convention Center

Host: Sheng Bi, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering School in South China University

9:30-10:00Embedded System AI Development in PracticeZhihao Mo, Senior MCU Application Engineer, NXP (China)
10:00-10:30Embedded AI Empowers Intelligent DrivingShu Qin, Marketing Manager, Via Tech (China)
10:30-11:00Application of Artificial Intelligence in Industrial IpT with iMX8Shanfeng Hu, Customer Support FAE, Toradex (Shanghai) Computer Technology
11:00-11:30Intelligent Screen Empowers Industrial IntelligenceXuefeng Lian, Guangzhou Weiqian Computer Technology
11:30-12:00Multi-core Architecture Empowers Mico-watt Level Embedded AI ApplicationsYao Zhang, Principle Software Engineer & Customer Project Director, GreenWaves Technologies

Sub-Forum 6: IoT Technology – Software

Date: December 20th, 2019

Location: Rose Hall 2, 5th Floor, Shenzhen Convention Center

14:00-14:30Low-code Development in Embedded SystemTianxiao Lin, General Manager, Beijing Guanglun Electronics
14:30-15:00New Trends of Embedded Software Development in the Age of IoTYoupeng Zhu, General Manager, Shenzhen Pengli Yishi Technology
15:00-15:30Application of Swift in MCUPeng Liu, R&D Director, Shenzhen Feikaite Technology
15:30-16:00IDE, Compiler, Debugging and OS of Domestic SemiconductorHaiyan Sun, Assistant Researcher, Computer Science Schoole, National University of Defense Technoology
16:00-16:30Experience NB-IoT Product Solutions in 30′Jacky Jia, Education & Research Department, Shenzhen Dianchao Technology